I got a very special gift today! My special friend Levy let me have a sweet hug after receiving Millie’s Piggie as her very own. Little pig needed a three year old girl to love.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Repent, Humble, Pray and Seek
The mind is a powerful thing. The mind tells us when to be happy. It tells us when to be sad. It alerts us to danger and tells us to fear. Social Media can be a lot like the mind. As I have scrolled through my feed in the last 24 hours, I have been barraged with many opposing views about the state of our nation and our government. Some people are excited for what the next few weeks hold. Some are mad, discouraged, and even disgusted. Most people are somewhere in the middle, wishing that the future was clearer. Many are hoping that our country makes wise choices. They are desiring a change, whatever that change may be. They are loudly shouting their beliefs hoping to influence others!
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Becoming a Titus 2 Woman
If you are a lady over the age of about 40, you might want to tuck in your toes as what I am going to talk about today might just step firmly on them.
Telling the World
It’s the last day of September. A month we remember to bring awareness to what our kids go through as they fight.
Monday, September 28, 2020
A Mundane Life
Today felt mundane or so I though as I reflected on what this word means. Once I read the following definition, it only seemed partly true.

Sunday, September 27, 2020
Deepest Sorrow to Greatest Joy
From deepest sorrows to greatest joys, today held emotions of both. Standing under a deep grey sky, I attended the memorial service for Bristol this afternoon. What a precious young lady remembered by so many with endearing stories, great love, and beautiful things bathed in pink.

Saturday, September 26, 2020
Are you enough?
A few of you have heard me share this story in person. I journaled this about 6 years ago so some of the numbers and facts are a little off. It was before Millie was born. It was a time in my life when I was evaluating if I was a good Momma? Did I measure up? Do you ever wonder that? Do you ever feel like everyone ELSE is a great mom and then there is YOU?? If so, this might speak to your heart.