We prayed for a miracle which God granted in heaven. Daily we walk the path of grief, ever leaning on Jesus for our comfort. Until we meet again Millie, always remember you are forever loved and missed!

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Becoming a Titus 2 Woman

 If you are a lady over the age of about 40, you might want to tuck in your toes as what I am going to talk about today might just step firmly on them.

Do you realize that you are a TITUS 2 woman according to scripture?
What does that mean? Titus 2:3-5 says:
3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Were you aware that scripture tells us how to act as older women? It is straight forward instruction to make sure we behave in a way that shows God is in our lives. We cannot be liars or false accusers. We cannot be drunkards, which applies to more than alcohol. It speaks to being excessive in every area of our lives.
Did you know that not only are your actions being watched by the younger women, BUT that scripture states we must TEACH the younger women? We much TEACH good things. So often our speech teaches bad things. Our complaining teaches others we aren’t thankful. Our griping teaches others they aren’t valuable to us. Our faces show our disrespect and disgust for those around us. Our hearts show in our outward actions. Are you living that truth out? Do you teach women the truth that God desires of them? Do you feel you have the capacity to teach younger women or do you feel inadequate? There should be no fear, scripture is clear what we are to teach them…
First, we teach them to be ‘sober’ which doesn’t apply to drunkenness. It is talking about a sober attitude. An attitude of taking life seriously, not being flippant or flighty.
The next instruction is to ‘love their own husbands’. That instruction alone has so much relevance in today’s world. How easy is it to look at ‘other husbands’ on social media, in the workplace, or even in our churches? Maybe it appears that a friend has the ‘perfect husband’… if you are an aged woman you know there is NO such thing. Most marriages are salvageable, as long as abuse is not involved. Many women just do not want to take the time or effort to work on it, forgiving past wrongs, and choosing to love their husbands. We can all admit that marriage is HARD! If we are going to mess up, it will be with those closest to us, usually our spouse.
It goes on to tell us to teach them to ‘love their children’. The world has many different versions of what loving their children means. To some that means being very permissive, letting them do whatever they want, always serving them, and letting them be children as long as they want. To others it means teaching them to grow up quickly, act like adults, having a heavier hand in discipline, and higher expectations. I am not telling you how to do that or which is right. I have my ideas and they sometimes look different than even what I can do (meaning my heart wants it, but I am tired and often fall short). I would however, give you this thought, IF YOU LOVE YOUR CHILD, you will raise them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. You will teach them about him. You will desire for them to live their lives honoring Jesus, not themselves. How you put hands and feet to that will differ from family to family, because we are not all cookie cutters.
Next, it talks of being ‘discreet, chaste,’ these are both action words about our behavior.
Discreet means “careful and circumspect in one's speech or actions, especially in order to avoid causing offense or to gain an advantage.”
Chaste means “without unnecessary ornamentation; simple or restrained.” We are to be keeping ourselves in ways that keep our minds, hearts, and bodies for our own husband and the Lord. Both words scream CAUTIOUS to me. Being ever so cautious in all I do, so that I am not misunderstood to be a woman of ill behavior.
Finally, it says ‘keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands’. In today’s world, women are not valued when they are homemakers and wives. All too often we are pushed to be more, do more, achieve more. In reality, the greatest thing we can do and the biggest thing we can be entrusted with is caring for our husband and children. To honor and love your husband is to allow him to know you trust him, you believe in him, you adore him. It allows him to rest solidly in your relationship so he can go and conquer the world. Do you believe he is in a daily battle when he is out of your home? He IS! The world battles for his mind, his heart, his actions. It stands ready to tempt him to unrighteousness. It rejoices in seeing him fall and marriages destroyed. Do you help him fight it? Do you train the younger women to help their husband fight?
As we have broken down this set of verses, it can become overwhelming especially if you feel weak in these areas. I ask you to remember Jesus does not require perfection. He died for you on your worst day. He loved you when you were a wretched sinner. He only asks for our hearts. We serve out of a willingness to put our love and gratefulness to action. Like a cup that is filled up, we must pour out so we can keep being filled.
Finally, I will leave you with a confession. I often feel inadequate to lead and teach but if God is calling me, I must step up and answer. In my years of marriage and motherhood, I have sat under too much good teaching to just sit on it. I must share… I have to CHOOSE to be the Titus 2 woman.

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