Today felt mundane or so I though as I reflected on what this word means. Once I read the following definition, it only seemed partly true.
1. lacking interest or excitement; dull.
2. of this earthly world rather than a heavenly or spiritual one.
It was hard to get going this morning. I don’t know if it was grief or just laziness, but I couldn’t seem to get moving. I was still in jammies at 11, eating breakfast at 11:30. While I ate, I sat down to study my bible, but had a hard time focusing. Our Sunday School class is going through the book of Isaiah, where he is pronouncing the coming judgement of the nations of the region but also the future judgement of non-believers. I read and reread, but in the end had to put it away. I couldn’t keep my mind focused.
The way the morning started was not a good plan. Any day we don’t get moving well, is a day filled with pressure and stress. Any extra stress causes me anxiety. It shouldn’t and I can see it coming a mile away. I can tell myself to BREATHE, to let it pass, but physically it feels like I’ve drank about 10 cups of coffee and am suffering a caffeine rush! I didn’t, only about 8 (!) looking back. I drink from a coffee mug that holds 4 cups each morning, but when I stopped at McDonalds for lunch, I got a large, iced coffee. The only upside to this story is that I don’t drink it sweet. Anxiety can make my body ache and my skin feel like I’m ready to crawl out of it! Yuck…
After some school, we ran errands in the city an hour away. Banking, shopping, UPS, and an orthodontist appointment for Miss K. Next, we went to a JR High football game to watch Miss A cheer. She did so well, I was proud of her! Finally, we ate at a local Mexican food restaurant making it home by 8:30. Our children are now doing homework in preparation for tomorrow. All that wears me out! It makes me grateful for days we can just stay home and be.
Back to the mundane, today’s activities held little excitement and were mostly dull, but needful. I was excited to see A cheer and to visit with different friends at the orthodontist and the football game. The highlight was having dinner as a family, something we don’t get to do a lot of lately.
It is interesting that the second definition for mundane focuses on it being earthly rather that spiritual. Life can get like that, we focus so much on the here and now, we forget to see the big picture. As I’m typing this, I am seeing how my Sunday School lesson on Isaiah goes right back to this. They were so focused on the impending destruction they could not see the future and more destructive forces coming. In the following scripture it shows us how this earthly focus can choke out the word of God, keeping us from living a fruitful life.
Mark 4:19 “but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.”
This scripture comes from the parable of the sower. In this story, God’s word, the seed is sown. However, because of where it lands, not much of the seed sprouts and is usable. I want my life to be useful for the Lord. I want his word to be well rooted in my life. I want it to be my guiding force. That is the desire of my heart and petitions in my prayers. 

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