We prayed for a miracle which God granted in heaven. Daily we walk the path of grief, ever leaning on Jesus for our comfort. Until we meet again Millie, always remember you are forever loved and missed!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Under Attack!!

 My declaration yesterday was that as I stood at the top of the chasm of grief that I would do anything to avoid slipping in. I gave you the picture of grasping and clawing at the earth to keep myself from tumbling into the unknown of black all-encompassing despair. I believe Satan heard me loud and clear. He knows my focus is toward the LORD. He knows I want to win this battle and so he has turned on the chaos full force around our house.

(((Before I write further, I pause to say this is in NO WAY a plea for anything. We have the funds to cover the expenses. This is solely information that relates to our day)))
In the past 24 hours, our family has come under major financial attack. Satan is crafty. He knows the way to stress a home and a marriage is to hit your pocketbook. We have chosen to agree with some pricy school options this year that has included sports for our teenagers. All these things are needing payment and it seems just as you pay for one there will be another expense. That is just LIFE, right? Especially with kids…
Yesterday, David’s truck needed to go into the shop. What we had hoped was a simple hose, turned into a more complex repair. Around $1000 later, it will have new parts installed and be good to go. Again, that’s life when you drive vehicles…
This morning as David prepared to go to work, we could not find the key fob to his new car. We have a hook by the door, but it wasn’t there. We have checked the laundry, jackets, other cars, grass, barn, etc. Everywhere we look is a dead end. Of course, it is one of the touch-start cars with EXPENSIVE fobs. As he drove my van to work, he took the car title planning to stop at a dealership and buy a new programmed key. Except after calling the dealership they inform you the only key to be had is in Edmond (100+ miles) AND you need the car with you to program it! That is a no go with no way to drive the car…
Next up was to call the locksmith. The SAME locksmith that was here in September to get our keys that were locked inside of our other vehicle. In our defense, we have been married 30 years and these are the only times we have had to call a locksmith. He will be able to come out and program a new key to the tune of $420 (!!) or he might come tonight for an extra $70 overtime. The sad thing is these fobs are so expensive that you can’t afford to have a spare and the car won’t start without it even if you had another key! I am hoping that the previous one finally shows up and it will be our spare.
None of these things are BIG, although all of them are expensive. None of these things are life changing, although they are sanity threatening. All of these things bring a sense of defeat when you are trying to go day by day, moment by moment to seeing some victory. Financially, we learned years ago to follow the principles of Dave Ramsey. We learned to live within our means, owe no debt, and save for a rainy day and a locksmith or two. The Dave Ramsey Ministry changed our family. It removed the stressors in many situations. It gives me peace that God has provided for the needs and it will be OK.
Today’s stressors are the mental kind. The beat down, watching Satan kicking us at the top of that chasm hoping he gains enough ground to cause us to lose our balance and fall. Keep praying friends. God’s purpose is being served though our sweet Millie, her homegoing, and us sharing her story. Lives are being changed! The stories you comment, the private messages you send, the in person encouragement you give us, lets us know that GOD can use our precious little girl’s short life of 3 years and 7 months to change others for ETERNITY.

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