We prayed for a miracle which God granted in heaven. Daily we walk the path of grief, ever leaning on Jesus for our comfort. Until we meet again Millie, always remember you are forever loved and missed!

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Do You Pray?


Do you pray?


Do you diligently pray through things?  I hear it said that ‘praying through’ is persevering in prayer even when you feel like no one is hearing you.


Have you taken the scripture of “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” {Philippians 4:6} to heart?


Do you pray with the heart of a child?  This one is hard; children can come before the Lord presenting their requests with nothing more than childlike faith.  They don’t carry doubts or what ifs to their requests.  They don’t try to evaluate it; they just present it.


Millie often prayed during her cancer treatments.  Her heart was so big towards those she loved.  She prayed for healing of her friend Ben –he is healed!  She prayed Jesus would take away Ady’s cancer—He did! 


God answered each of the prayers she prayed for. 


Two years ago, our family was praying through some big stuff. Covid had just appeared and started shutting the world down.  We were coming to realize that it might not be a short-lived virus. We were praying for wisdom as we battled how to keep germs away from our girl.  We were daily asking God to heal Millie of cancer.  We were constantly reminded that her cancer wasn’t following the rules of treatment.  That each thing we presented in the battle was not successful.  We were looking at the other damage being done in her body by the chemotherapy.  Our prayers really were life and death prayers.  During that time, it was easy as parents to become overwhelmed with the what ifs of our prayer requests {still is honestly!}.  We knew God could heal her, but it might not be the way we desired. For reasons known only to Jesus, he chose a heavenly healing for Millie and our hearts broke.


Sometimes my heart asks that question of WHY?  You know the one that goes, “Why couldn’t she be healed here on earth?”  “Why couldn’t we keep her and raise her to love you Lord?”  “Why…why…why?”


I am reminded that the answer is not always face value.  I don’t always see any reasonable why with my earthly view.  If I can step forward into a heavenly perspective, if I can take my broken heart out of the answer, I can see a bigger picture.  God did heal Millie. 


Her prayers that her cancer would be gone were answered, so were mine.


God has allowed her to never hurt again.  He has her in a perfect place, with him.  Not only will she never feel physical pain again, but she won’t feel fear, emotional distress, or any of the other trappings of this world.  She is now living with her namesake of JOY.  She has joy, not sorrow--forever. 


Because HE lives and she lives with him, I can face my tomorrows {and my today!} 



~Because of Millie 


Blessings sweet friends…

。・:*:・゚,。・:*:・゚ 。・:*:・゚
I still believe in Millie’s Miracle
。・:*:・゚ Hebrews 11:1 。・:*:・゚

#MilliesMiracle #ChildhoodCancer #Neuroblastoma #MoreThen4 #Childloss #Forever3 #WithJesus #WhileWeAreWaiting #AGrievingMama #LifeAfterLoss #siblinggrief

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