We prayed for a miracle which God granted in heaven. Daily we walk the path of grief, ever leaning on Jesus for our comfort. Until we meet again Millie, always remember you are forever loved and missed!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Welcome 2 the Wild

 As I have started to write tonight my thoughts keep getting pulled back to memories of Millie. So many precious memories… Her pictures draw me like a magnet. The things we did together, her corky faces she made, her sweet laugh. All so precious and all so missed!

We attended our sweet grand daughter’s 2nd birthday party today. It was a small family affair with three sets of grandparents, some of Joe and Maitland’s siblings and two sets of family friends. They had a “Welcome 2 the Wild” party. Some played volleyball, some used the sidewalk chalk and bubbles, and a few waded in the lake. It was relaxing, peaceful, and a blessing to watch as they parent this precious girl.
We also wished Miss A “Happy 13th Birthday”. Her candles wouldn’t stay lit, but we sung to her and little Missy together. Precious memories that Aunt A can have with little miss every year!
During the party, my thoughts started to wander back to the previous “1st Year Birthday” party. It was just right after Millie was newly diagnosed. She had had a few rounds of chemo and felt a little better. She had gotten used to being a little spoiled…that comes quickly when you have cancer. You are so desperate to get the child to eat, that pretty much anything they show interest in you provide. I remember on this day a year ago, Millie didn’t understand why her cupcake didn’t have a candle too. She loved to blow out candles. Big Brother Joseph came to her rescue. He put a candle in her cupcake and lit it, allowing her to blow it out. They repeated lighting and blowing it out at least 5 times. She LOVED IT! She had enjoyed the pinata and all the candy… A smile came to my heart, while tears welled in my eyes. You see there is JOY, that is misted in sadness in most everything I do.
On the hour-long drive home, my mind again wandered to our girl. Did you know that she was allowed to have a purple haired pony visit her in the cancer ward? It was so much fun to not only have the horse come, but to share the experience with our buddy Ben. He was the first child we made friends with on our many visits that overlapped. Today Ben is healthy with no evidence of disease, praise GOD!
Other memories flood my mind. Memories of how much Millie loved being an aunt and how much she looked forward to meeting her soon to arrive nephew. That will be another precious time in our lives. Soon we will hold this new grandson with a smile in our hearts, and a few tears in our eyes. The only mist of sadness will be that Millie is not here to hold Maitland’s baby as she repeatedly asked me “can I hold him?” Knowing she would probably leave us before he arrived, I always answered “if the Lord is willing you can”. So, as I hold him that first time, I will remember his aunt who loved him before he arrived and without knowing him.
I was so blessed to know Millie. To have gotten to be her mama. To have held her in my arms every day for 3 years, 7 months, and 25 days. Because of Millie, I am changed!

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