We prayed for a miracle which God granted in heaven. Daily we walk the path of grief, ever leaning on Jesus for our comfort. Until we meet again Millie, always remember you are forever loved and missed!

Monday, September 21, 2020

The daily grind

 I received my results from my testing today. The doctor said he had ‘good news’. He doesn’t see any reason why I’m having the grinding in my lower spine. The best he could tell I have three joints that are arthritic, two that he injected in February and one he did not. His suggestion is to inject the last joint to see if it will help the joint function smoother. This sounds so much better than a surgery, which he thankfully did not recommend but I had imagined he would. The plan is to have the injection in November at my request.

Little man and I had spent the day together. We played games, read a book, went to my doctor, to a friend’s home to visit, and finally to the grocery store together. It is not often I have him all to myself, or maybe not often he has mom all to himself… We enjoyed our day together. I have found that I function better through this time of grieving if I move at a slower pace. Not too much pressure, simple routines, and lots of rest. Today fit that bill as unhurried and restful!
This fall I’ve been working on some projects that I hope to wrap us soon. I’m sewing curtains for our tiny house. Simple burlap curtains to be rustic yet functional. I have also been diligently sorting and saving Millie’s photos. I want to make sure I don’t lose any of them. I think between working on these and schooling the kids it will keep me busy for the rest of the year.
Many of you have encouraged me to write a book telling our story. The Lord impressed upon David and I both early on that Millie’s story had to be shared. David started a book and has written a few chapters that chronical the start of her journey. I too have felt I have a part of her story to share. I feel like God has used Millie’s short life to draw so many people closer to him. To teach us to pray, to remind us to trust, and to walk with us when the answer looks different than we hoped. I have a rough chapter outline of how my book will be laid out. Many of my blog posts will be compiled to tell her story but also to point us to Christ.
I do not plan to start compiling it until the new year, but please be praying for wisdom on how to proceed. I know God has a mighty plan. I want to be a part of it. I do not want to miss out on being in HIS will for my life. I do not want to leave out the important stuff, yet I feel this book will be more than her life story. It will be her legacy story.
Joel 1:3 “Tell your sons about it, And let your sons tell their sons, And their sons the next generation.”
Seems there are big things going on in the cancer world. I can easily get overwhelmed with the children that are sick and even passing away. It seems too much and my heart cries out “Lord why so many?!” That is the human side of me… However, please pray for these children listed.
Ady – She is inpatient next week for another round of immunotherapy. She needs firm answers about her hearing loss and possible hearing aids.
Miller – He has some big procedures coming up. If they are not successful, he will be going into a second Bone Marrow Transplant? Are you on the donor registry list? These kids need YOU!
Jude- Has his quarterly chemo and Lumbar Puncture tomorrow
Levy – took her treatment today that usually will make her sick by Wednesday.
There are so many that I know I’m missing some… please pray as God knows even the ones I don’t.

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