Thursday, April 28, 2022
My Superhero - National Superhero Day 2022
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
I said a prayer for you today

Monday, April 25, 2022
Again and Again
I may share this again and again.
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Fleshing out my life direction
Fleshing out my life direction
Have you ever been called to fall on your knees and cry out to
the Lord?
Did you need wisdom that only God can provide?
We are faced with many things in this life.
Each one is a pivotal word that has the potential to change the
world; my world or to at least change me.
As women we are told we can have it all.
We are told to choose ourselves first.
We daily rush, fret, and worry with each passing moment.
We start to feel behind, left out, and fearful of not
Yet how can we not succeed with God as our guide?
How can the plans that he has for me fail if I am faithful to
his word, his commands, and his directions?
What if I could change the whole world and lose my own soul in
the process?
What if I gave up controling the direction of my earthly life to
gain my heavenly one?
The things of this earth, the accomplishment, the successes, even
the victories will all be for nothing if they aren’t achieved with eyes lifted
If I gain great fame but lose my children and husband, what did
I really gain?
Will my name bear the sweet fragrance of one committed to
serving the Lord?
Wrestling with the flesh to satisfy the spirit is a daily battle
that each believer encounters.
The question, “Can I really have it all?” lingers in my mind.
Maybe the world’s definition of what “having it all” is wrong?
Maybe “the elusive all” is what I already have?
What if chasing other things is akin to serving false idols?
Things that promise good but have no real power to achieve victory in this
life, or the next.
I don’t want to be like the children of Israel who served the
Lord yet mixed in their heathen gods. Their eyes got turned away from the life-giving
love of the great I AM, yet he was there in the midst of their camp as a huge
cloud by day and a fire by night.
Honestly, how could they neglect to see him? How could they
willingly serve another?
It was when their selfish, fleshly desires took the place of a
true relationship with the Father and turned their eyes to the things of this
The things that crumbled into dust.
The things that glittered but were not an immerishible gold.
Cleansing tears that renew our minds.
Dedication of a heart desiring to fully serve the Lord where he
has placed me.
To embrace the gifts he’s given, to invest the remaining time,
and to cherish the moments.
To turn from the flesh and embrace the spirit—again. Daily dying
to myself and daily committing to Him.
Coming back to my true love.
Resting in his timing, his plan, and his direction.
Living a life in HIM.
~Telling Christ’s story {Because of Millie}
Blessings sweet friends…
☆。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★
I still believe in Millie’s Miracle
☆。・:*:・゚ Hebrews 11:1 。・:*:・゚☆
#MilliesMiracle #ChildhoodCancer #Neuroblastoma #MoreThen4
#Childloss #Forever3 #WithJesus #WhileWeAreWaiting #AGrievingMama
#LifeAfterLoss #siblinggrief