We prayed for a miracle which God granted in heaven. Daily we walk the path of grief, ever leaning on Jesus for our comfort. Until we meet again Millie, always remember you are forever loved and missed!

Thursday, April 28, 2022

My Superhero - National Superhero Day 2022


If I ask you to describe your hero, what would he look like?
Would he be dressed in tight clothing, wearing a cape, and performing amazing acts of bravery?
Would he be a mild-mannered servant, turned superhero when no one is watching?
Maybe your hero hits a little closer to home? Maybe, just maybe it is your mom, your best friend, your spouse, or your child?
In honor of National Superhero Day, I will share about my heroes.
Yes I have a group of heroes, bonded by blood, mingled with sweat and tears (mine!)
My kids are my superheroes, each for different amazing powers they possess.
Our oldest daughter has always had a fantastic ability to memorize anything set to music. Large portions of musical scores, scripture, even plays all embedded themselves deep in her mind simply by listening to them.
Our oldest son who has an amazing sense of gathering information. He can know things, lots of things, and keep them neatly organized for the day he needs them. He loves researching, learning, and using new skills.
Our middle son has always been drawn to organization and making things just right. A guy of order, he often lined his toys up in long rows with each object in a specific spot. He now uses that skill to make sure his installation jobs are done with equal care and precision.
Our second daughter has long enjoyed being a leader, first of her younger siblings, but also of those around her as she invests time and effort into others. She uses her skillful eye to both create and then capture beautiful things, preserving memories for the future. Her talents have given us beautiful keepsakes that would otherwise be lost in our minds.
Our third born daughter, often on the heels of her older sister has developed her musical talents that stand alone. She can listen to a piece, play it by ear, then often add in all the extras, all the while making her efforts look effortless. Her renditions can bring my heart to worship as she pours her heart and soul into the keyboard.
Our fourth daughter and sixth child, has a heart to encourage others. Her own love language is written words and so she pours that out on those around her. She prayers over needs, then expresses encouragement both in word and song. Her tender heart is her superpower.
Our seventh child, also daughter number five, has an amazing memory to absorb many facts about life. This girl loves to read history, science, fiction, and non-fiction. She absorbs the information she collects and then oozes it out as she properly uses both the words and facts she learns in correct context.
Our third born son, and seventh child is one of strong will. His size is little, but his personality is big. He carries himself ten feet tall and in charge. He rarely meets a challenge he will back down from. He is bold, tenacious, and full steam ahead ready for the day of battle!
Our littlest hero you know well. Our Amelia Joy or Millie as we call her. To watch a small child become a warrior and battle for their very lives is an amazing feat. Millie had more strength and courage than many adults I know. She accepted the hard things that had to come, not without a fight, but with a knowing spirit. She fought so HARD for life. She lived an abundant life anytime she wasn’t chained to a cancer treatment. To see my tiny girl fighting so hard, gave me courage to fight beside her.
My last hero I didn’t birth, however he has stood beside me during every birth. We have cried tears with each other as our kids experienced pain, disappointment, fear, and even death. He has laid down his life for his family, unselfishly serving us even when he was bone weary. Watching him as he walked his baby girl to heaven left me no doubt that he is a hero in everyday clothing.
These 10 people, plus the spouse and grandbabies that are added in make for a beautiful full life. We are not perfect, rather we are imperfectly a team that makes mistakes, lives through bad decisions, poor choices, and hurt feelings, but still comes out on the other side as a FAMILY that loves each other and loves Jesus.
On this National Superhero Day, who would you say your hero is? Drop me a picture of your Superhero and share their superpower below. You can even tag them to let them know how proud of them you are!
~Telling Christ’s story {Because of Millie}
Blessings sweet friends…
☆。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★
I still believe in Millie’s Miracle
☆。・:*:・゚ Hebrews 11:1 。・:*:・゚☆

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

I said a prayer for you today


“I said a prayer for you today,
A prayer without one word.
Because I knew not what to say,
I simply asked the Lord.
He knows my very thoughts,
sees my heartaches too.
And so I knew he understands,
the pain that lives in you. “
I have been at an annual family conference that we have attended for many years. I have noticed the Lord keeps allowing me to cross the path of other women carrying something we each have in common—pain.

Grieving mothers, splintering marriages, heartbroken parents, women doubting if they heard God right as they pursued their dreams. Wondering if they were really called to this path, maybe even thinking they are so broken that nothing will make it better or stop the pain.
As we were reminded in one session, these thoughts are a lie of the enemy. He distracts you and fills your mind with doubt. He wants to make you believe that you will never succeed. When we listen, and believe it, then we begin to wallow in it. Thoughts like, “I’m a failure so what does it matter anyway?” fill our head and we give ground to the enemy as we give up the fight.
Instead, we need to claim who God says we are.
I am a person who loves the Lord.
Wholly righteous because of HIS righteousness alone.
My focus is on serving him, loving him, worshiping him, and living a life that brings him glory.
The mistakes I have made in my life, the failures I have endured are not to bring me shame but rather they give my testimony traction as I share with others how pain, yes—even loss, can be used to bring glory to Jesus if I can lean on him in my troubled times.
People wonder how they can survive losing a child?
—-Only with Christ!
How can marriages be restored and trust be rebuilt?
—-Only with Christ!
How do we move past the shame, the labels of failure?
—-Only with Christ!
You see it’s not what I do or don’t do, it is who I believe in or don’t believe in, that makes the change.
Blessings sweet friends…
☆。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★
I still believe in Millie’s Miracle
☆。・:*:・゚ Hebrews 11:1 。・:*:・゚☆

Monday, April 25, 2022

Again and Again

 I may share this again and again.

Over and over, this is what grief looks like.
It’s de’ja vu, except some of the details don’t match up right.
It’s thinking things are the same, but realizing someone is missing.
That sinking feeling that normal will never come back.
A painful reminder that your child—that MY child— never lived here, in this time or space.
It’s walking by a memory and having to shake the cobwebs from your brain.
Then struggling to remember if you have a lingering memory of this spot/this place/this moment together.
Yes life keeps going, I keep going, moving further and further away from the memories yet closer and closer to a heavenly reunion with Millie.
The signs of heaven seem closer then ever...
...I am ready!
Except I often pray “Lord, tarry long enough to see my family come to salvation. “
I have just one child in heaven.
But I still have 8 others here that I pray over, plus all our grandchildren. Can you imagine the glorious heavenly reunion?
Until that day, I pray without ceasing. .
~Because of Millie
Blessings sweet friends…
☆。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★
I still believe in Millie’s Miracle
☆。・:*:・゚ Hebrews 11:1 。・:*:・゚☆

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Fleshing out my life direction


Fleshing out my life direction


Have you ever been called to fall on your knees and cry out to the Lord?


Did you need wisdom that only God can provide?


We are faced with many things in this life.










Each one is a pivotal word that has the potential to change the world; my world or to at least change me.


As women we are told we can have it all.


We are told to choose ourselves first.


We daily rush, fret, and worry with each passing moment.


We start to feel behind, left out, and fearful of not succeeding.



Yet how can we not succeed with God as our guide?



How can the plans that he has for me fail if I am faithful to his word, his commands, and his directions?


What if I could change the whole world and lose my own soul in the process?


What if I gave up controling the direction of my earthly life to gain my heavenly one?


The things of this earth, the accomplishment, the successes, even the victories will all be for nothing if they aren’t achieved with eyes lifted heavenward.


If I gain great fame but lose my children and husband, what did I really gain?


Will my name bear the sweet fragrance of one committed to serving the Lord?


Wrestling with the flesh to satisfy the spirit is a daily battle that each believer encounters.


The question, “Can I really have it all?” lingers in my mind.


Maybe the world’s definition of what “having it all” is wrong?



Maybe “the elusive all” is what I already have?



What if chasing other things is akin to serving false idols? Things that promise good but have no real power to achieve victory in this life, or the next.


I don’t want to be like the children of Israel who served the Lord yet mixed in their heathen gods. Their eyes got turned away from the life-giving love of the great I AM, yet he was there in the midst of their camp as a huge cloud by day and a fire by night.


Honestly, how could they neglect to see him? How could they willingly serve another?


It was when their selfish, fleshly desires took the place of a true relationship with the Father and turned their eyes to the things of this life.


The things that crumbled into dust.


The things that glittered but were not an immerishible gold.






Cleansing tears that renew our minds.


Dedication of a heart desiring to fully serve the Lord where he has placed me.


To embrace the gifts he’s given, to invest the remaining time, and to cherish the moments.


To turn from the flesh and embrace the spirit—again. Daily dying to myself and daily committing to Him.


Coming back to my true love.


Resting in his timing, his plan, and his direction.


Living a life in HIM.




~Telling Christ’s story {Because of Millie} 


Blessings sweet friends…

。・:*:・゚,。・:*:・゚ 。・:*:・゚
I still believe in Millie’s Miracle
。・:*:・゚ Hebrews 11:1 。・:*:・゚

#MilliesMiracle #ChildhoodCancer #Neuroblastoma #MoreThen4 #Childloss #Forever3 #WithJesus #WhileWeAreWaiting #AGrievingMama #LifeAfterLoss #siblinggrief