We prayed for a miracle which God granted in heaven. Daily we walk the path of grief, ever leaning on Jesus for our comfort. Until we meet again Millie, always remember you are forever loved and missed!

Monday, February 8, 2021

It is COLD in Oklahoma!

 Dear Friends,

Today in Oklahoma it is COLD… I do not mean the cold we usually have in winter or 40-50 degrees, but I mean ICY, Freezing COLD! I see much of the country seems to be experiencing the same unexpected burst of winter. I guess the groundhog must have seen his shadow last week. We were in the 60’s, wearing no jackets, playing in the yard (some of us barefooted if you are a 6 yr. old boy!), and watching our beautiful daffodils bloom. Today however there are icy roads, wrecks, and will soon be lots of bursting pipes to hear our friendly weatherman explain it. OUCH!

I got a treat of a massage this morning, then headed to the urgent care. I just do not feel good. It is not COVID-19, no temperature, or anything, but a kidney infection of some kind. She gave me an antibiotic and sent off for a culture hoping to determine what I am fighting. I will be glad to feel better. I have not exercised at all in a week. I just do not feel up to it! Thankfully, my food has stayed on my eating plan, so I am not falling apart at every seam!
After grocery shopping, lunch, and homeschooling, our sweet friend and previous mama's helper came to visit us for a bit. Since she got married, moved out of state, and now has a precious new baby, we don't get to see her often. It is always a treat to snuggle the next generation and develop adult friendships with the 'kids' that are now grown.
Currently, I am spending most of my free time writing. Sometimes I get so excited to capture Millie’s story and my perspective on paper. Other times, the deceiver whispers discouraging thoughts about “Who is this book for?” “Who would read about a little girl that dies?” “Will this make an impact?”. As I circle around to answering those questions, I get a confirmation of what I do believe:

• YES! I am supposed to write Millie’s Story.
• Yes, it is important and will point to Jesus.
• Yes, people will read it, not because she died, but because she LIVED! Her life was important and in the scope of eternity her life does make an impact.
• This book (Children’s story) is for families who have been told their child will not live much longer. It is for people who want to gently introduce sickness and even heaven, not as scary but as part of life. It is for surviving siblings and their parents who appreciate the beauty of a life lived well and continuing in eternity.
• It is for YOU all to continue to remember Millie, our precious blessing who brought us together as friends and believers in Christ Jesus.

The text is written, and I am searching out illustrators now. David read it last night, but the very real and raw emotions made it hard to look through. I on the other hand tell her story and look at her pictures so much it is as comfortable as breathing… sometimes through the tears, but sharing Millie is a part of who I am now.

As I continue to capture my thoughts on paper, my Devotional book is moving along also. I hope I can get them both printed to be released together. I feel like they each tell an important perspective of Millie’s life. Pray that my fingers fly on my keyboard as the Lord fills my mind with direction to see the bigger picture of Millie’s life.

Blessings sweet friends…
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆
I still believe in Millie’s Miracle
。・:*:・゚☆ Hebrews 11:1 。・:*:・゚☆

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