We prayed for a miracle which God granted in heaven. Daily we walk the path of grief, ever leaning on Jesus for our comfort. Until we meet again Millie, always remember you are forever loved and missed!

Thursday, January 21, 2021

My way or God's way

 Dear Friends,

Evaluating where we are in life can be an important part of having an effective life.
• As Children we work towards the goal of finishing a school year as we long for summer break.
• As Teens we work towards finishing high school with our classes broke up into semesters. We have guidance counsellors that help to direct us to the next best option.
• As College students we have a degree plan that forces up to complete certain tasks to obtain the degree of our choice. We do not get to decide what is prudent to take or not. As we graduate, we are often refereed to a position that will launch the career field we trained in.
• As a Married couple we are charged by the officiating pastor to ‘Love and Cherish each other until Death we do part” but that is where the instructions end. You are released into the world as a couple, free to chase your dreams and make your mark on society.
• Next you add a few children, again with very little instructions other than take this beautiful, screaming bundle of joy home and raise it to adulthood. Whew…so many expectations!
Often we putter along for a few years working, paying bills, changing diaper, doing homework, but not really seeming to achieve much outside the day-to-day expectations. I will insert that I firmly believe that investing into our children, nurturing, caring, and influencing them is probably our greatest achievement but it is also something we do not often see the fruits of our labor for many, many years in the future. Some of that fruit we may never see this side of heaven.
We build our lives, our children grow, and as we head towards empty nesting, hopefully we have continued to sow into our marriage over the years. As we start to add grandchildren our time constraints change. Some larger families like us have had the balance of both children and grandchildren for a while now, but others like our best friends have had a house full of adults before the grands showed up. Different dynamics for both our families that leave us with different opportunities.
As my baby days appear to be over and I am feeling led to expand my circle a little outside my home, I am realizing I have goals that I am working towards, but often I get sidetracked in the journey. Sometimes I think maybe I need a life coach to help me lay them out straight and make an action plan. I seem to follow a plan better than this random zigzag of tasks that I hope will get me from point A to my eventual point Y… I am reserving point Z as heaven and I know how to get there!
I know I have been called to minster to hurting moms’ hearts, to write my books, to continue to blog. What I am not sure about is the order these tasks will fall in. If I crazily run from one to the next, I may never complete any of them. If I give solid FOCUS to one, it feels that I might let the others slip aside and not come to fruition. I feel each of them has value and needs a piece of my time, yet I also have to reserve my time to recharge myself. I have to make sure I continue to invest in my family and my hubby. I see all the plates spinning and hope that they do not all come crashing down.
Do any of you work with a life coach? What has your experience been? How did you decide who to use and how has it affected your life plan? This topic interests me greatly. I want to finish well. I want to hear at point Z, “Well done my good and faithful servant” as was shared in Matthew 25:23. Ultimately I know that following the admonition of Psalm 37:5 will ensure success. Not because it is ‘MY WAY’ but because I have committed myself to GOD’S WAY.
Psalms 37:5 Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
Blessings sweet friends…
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆
I still believe in Millie’s Miracle
。・:*:・゚☆ Hebrews 11:1 。・:*:・゚☆

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