We prayed for a miracle which God granted in heaven. Daily we walk the path of grief, ever leaning on Jesus for our comfort. Until we meet again Millie, always remember you are forever loved and missed!

Monday, December 28, 2020

To be Fully Known AND Fully Know

 Everybody has the same mundane questions in their life…

What are we doing today?
What should I wear?
What is for dinner?
I have been answering those a lot lately…except maybe the “what is for dinner” one. Truth be told, I am a horrible dinner planner. I do not like to cook. I like super easy. When David goes out of town we live on cheese nachos and cereal. I cannot give sandwiches away. My kids hate them! Who has ever met a kid that dislike a good old PB&J??!?? Cue one Little Man and SJ…. The easiest food on earth and they think they are being tortured.
In addition to the day to day living worries, there have been lots of big, deep conversations going on around our house lately. SJ came and asked Daddy about ‘the Abyss’ (Hell) and what he thought it was like. That led to a big conversation that the word ‘LIKE’ is just that, it is a comparison in our minds to the worst thing we can imagine. It will be MUCH WORSE that what we can imagine because our earthly mind can only come up with a certain level of horrible. On the flip side, HEAVEN will be so much greater than ‘streets of gold and mansions.’ It is described that way because on Earth those are considered beautiful and wonderful things. Our mind can not TRULY comprehend how great heaven will be and so we give it the best LIKE comparison we can think of. When it comes down to it, those details do not even matter. They are NOT salvation issues and if you ask any 10 people what they think heaven will be like, you will receive 10 different answers. The only part that matters is faith in Jesus' birth, death, and resurrection for salvation.
John 14:6
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
SJ went on to question me about "who knows all about the Bible?" I told her, “Bible Scholars study it, but even they don’t know it all.” SJ asked, “Do you know any Bible Scholars?” At first I said, “not really”, but added onto my answer “Yes, I actually do, Millie is now a Bible scholar”. Now before you think I am crazy, hear me out. You wonder how a 3-year-old little girl could be any kind of scholar? The definition of a scholar is a ‘learned person.” This is where it gets interesting. Here on Earth, we do not see the whole picture. We do not understand why babies die or old people get Alzheimer’s or bad things happen… we just can’t wrap our brains around the WHYS!
1 Corinthians 13:12
“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”
The first half of the verse talks about us seeing through a glass darkly… like trying to look inside a tinted window of a car. We can make out some of the details, but we do not see the whole picture clearly. The second half of the verse is so exciting… then we will know JESUS as we are known. Consider that thought, Jesus knows everything about us. Everything we think we keep secret and hidden; he knows. Someday WE WILL KNOW everything about HIM. Our relationship will be just as intimate. We are FULLY KNOWN now, but then HE will be FULLY KNOWN! What an awesome thought.
So back to Millie, how is she a Bible scholar? As I shared with SJ, Millie’s eyes are now opened to FULLY KNOW Jesus. She is there, face to face, not looking through the dark glass. She fully understands HIM and in that understanding she understands the Bible. I would say anyone that understands all the Bible is a scholar. It is amazing to think that my little girl now knows far more than her mama.
Around our house we started back to school today… when you homeschool, you can take breaks at other times and not stick to the public-school schedule. SJ asked ‘so what happened to our Christmas Break?’ I laughed and reminded her we took it a few weeks earlier. She really did not mind getting back to work. Too much time off just allows them to forget more and have to relearn it. I was grateful to start back, not because I want to be doing school really but more because I need routine and predictability. I think that was part of what made Christmas so hard was so much pressure, stress, and lack of routine left me drained. When I get tired I grieve so much harder. The deep black pit starts sucking me in, the tears flow, and my chest heaves. If I can just be cautious about what I commit to doing, guarding my energy, and prioritizing what I need to do, I function so much better. It does not keep my heart from aching, but it gives me the emotional strength to walk through it.
The excitement for the day around here is the electricity to the well house just lost a ‘leg’, meaning in women terms ‘it does not have enough power to pump our water’… so much for bath night. The Electric Co-op has been called and will hopefully fix it sometime tonight. It is hard to run a large family with no water. We do have ponds for ‘flushing’ water but prefer drinking the clean stuff…obviously!
John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Blessings sweet friends…
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★ ★,。・:*:・゚☆
I still believe in Millie’s Miracle
,。・:*:・゚☆ Hebrews 11:1 ★

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