I rarely share the simple things about me. You daily hear my heart, my deep thoughts, my loneliness, my joy, the things I think the Lord is speaking to me about, and the routine life of our family, but what about me personally? About the things I love AND those I really do not. The things that change every so often when something new grabs my attention. The things I would share with my closest friends over a cup of coffee or a chance lunch date. None of it is life changing information really, it is however a way to pass a few minutes as you imagine joining us for a steaming mug and a piece of leftover pie. Would you like a view into that part of my life?
To start with I think I must be a logophile. You do know what that means, right? A logophile is a person who loves words, Because it is not all that commonly known, logophile is probably mostly used by logophiles themselves. Truthfully, I did not even know what that word was until today. Maybe I am just a self-proclaimed amateur logophile. I love words, but not all words. I love words that elicit HOPE and HAPPINESS and things with those type of words on them:
Wooden Signs
Plates / Mugs
Some of these are longtime obsessions like books that I have loved since the 3rd grade. My all-time favorite fiction book series is “Love Comes Softly”, but if you have only watched the movies then you have missed out!
My favorite scrapbooks are the “Creative Memories” Brand. I was a consultant for 18 years, so I have made LOTS of scrapbooks! My closet holds 60+ finished ones and many more waiting to be worked on. In them is written love, admonitions, memories, and even scripture, mainly to my children but maybe even their children will read it some day.
Jewelry however is a new favorite for me that began this year when I receive bracelets and necklaces with scripture engraved on them. It ranks up there as a favorite along with my scripture tees to keep my mind focused on things above as I wear them.
Another long-term love with a new twist is a place to record my thoughts on paper. I have always jotted notes in a notebook or on scraps, but then end up discarding them with no way to organize them. Sometimes I have used a journal or prayer pages but wanted all my stuff in one place. Recently I found an elegant, hard back, spiral bound planner that is my new favorite! Called a Spaces Planner, it has all the features of a regular planner with the extra room for big ideas, lists, dreams, and more. It is a great mix of being a goalkeeper, my thought coraller, an idea maker, and action book all in one! I have used it for 2020, even wrote Millie’s book in the "Big Plans" pages. Now I will be ordering my 2021 version... It is on sale this weekend. I cannot wait to get my new one!
I am also happy to use my new plates, soup mugs, and placemats that all remind me I am “Blessed” “Thankful” and “Grateful”, simple inexpensive reminders that I found at Walmart and Dollar General. They keep these positive thoughts right in front of my face.
Another thing that catches my eye and grabs my attention is signs of any kind. I enjoy giving them as gifts, buying them for myself, but especially just savoring them. It does not matter what style, both metal and wood signs call me as I walk through Hobby Lobby. I could stand for hours reading them and dreaming where I would place them. I can agree with their truth, admire the presentation, and laugh with the comical statements. Signs give you a view into the authors mind. Some are meant to draw you to a reverence. Some want to entertain you. Some state facts, while others simply give you a different viewpoint. They all represent something important by using the written word.
Last but not least, is my Bible. I bought my current bible for myself on my 23rd birthday. Yes, I know that was a long time ago! Since that time, it has seen a lot of use. The pages are full of writing, underlining, and spilling out in the margins. Where there was once white space there is now thoughts and prayers written. This bible has lost its cover and gained a lot of box tape to hold it all back together. It has my children’s birth, and now Millie’s death information recorded in the pages. I have started a page with all my grandbabies birthdays listed. This bible has been my road map for so many years as I have read it cover to cover more than once. Even thought it is not in the best shape, (who am I kidding, neither am I?) I would not dare replace it.
This by no means finishes my lists of favorites, ranging from candles, lotions, candy, movies, music, or places. It does however cast some light on why I enjoy talking and writing so much. The written word is a form of connection. It fights the loneliness, shows us the world beyond our little corner, and brings us together.
Now to find someone who wants to share a pot of coffee with me, any takers?
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