We prayed for a miracle which God granted in heaven. Daily we walk the path of grief, ever leaning on Jesus for our comfort. Until we meet again Millie, always remember you are forever loved and missed!

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

A GRAND baby on the way

 My heart is in a million places tonight. My mind going many different directions. There were everyday things that I had to complete today. There were special appointments waiting to be completed. Meetings that needed attending, issues that needed consideration, and votes to be made. There were children to be cared for, details to settle, and plans to be made. There was/ IS great expectation in the air! Isn’t life just like that? There is so much busy, mixed with the mundane, sprinkled with excitement, and filled with a sense of AWE…

Our day started early with my back injections. This procedure is supposed to alleviate the grinding that I feel when I move my lower back. The doctor is hoping that this will be the answer we have been searching for. Thankfully, I have not been in pain, just annoyed by the grinding of bones when I move. The injections were not comfortable, but not too painful. About the time he put the medication in I felt pain down my leg and through my foot. Hoping that whole nerve will be better if that is truly the fix. I have my doubts!
We next went to an Orthodontist appointment for Katherine. She has had braces a long time. Just as the orthodontist got her teeth straight and ready for a retainer, she had a mouth injury that knocked her two front teeth loose. We have battled for over 2 years to get them to tighten back up and stay in place. We are hoping that we are almost back where we were when the injury happened.
After a quick car lunch, four kids had well child check ups at our pediatrician. I have never been one to take the kids to the doctor when they are not sick but when you lose one to cancer, you suddenly become a little more wary. By the way, I in no way believe that we could have found Millie’s cancer any earlier than stage 4 because she had seen our doctor a few times in the months leading up to her being diagnosed. Every symptom she had could be written off as general childhood illnesses. Who would have suspected cancer in their 2-year-old? Neuroblastoma is known as the silent cancer. You do not usually find it until it has metastasized to another area which is what stage 4 means.
We finished up with all 6 of our appointments and made it home with a few minutes to spare before evening church. The kids were so glad to be out of the car! They ran and played on the playground to get their energy out. Little man and SJ both attend a “Truth for Kids” bible class on Wednesday nights. David and I attended the Church business meeting. We finally got home at 8:30.
Throughout the day I have been getting text messages letting me know God has a special treat for our family set to arrive in the next few hours. Our SIXTH grandbaby, a little boy, is on his way. He is running behind since he was due November 2, but this Meme is willing to be patient. One HUGE prayer request is for his mommy and daddy who both tested positive for Covid as they admitted for delivery. My heart is so sad to think of having a new baby, having to wear a mask during and after delivery, and then not getting to be around any family for awhile until they are symptoms free. Please pray this passes quickly!
In times like these, political included, all we can do is lean on the Lord and TRUST.
Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.…”

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