We prayed for a miracle which God granted in heaven. Daily we walk the path of grief, ever leaning on Jesus for our comfort. Until we meet again Millie, always remember you are forever loved and missed!

Monday, October 12, 2020


 This year has been a huge year of changes in so many ways. Besides Millie going to heaven and no longer having babies/toddlers in the house after 30 years, there has been so many other changes to adjust too. Changing from a ‘treatment’ mindset and constant hospital stays to ‘it is finished’ mindset takes a constant effort. Going from long work hours, to quarantine work at home, to bereavement leave, and back to Monday thru Friday work has taken its toll. We were really enjoying having daddy around!

Another HUGE adjustment is to being a ‘Brick and Mortar’ school family, in addition to still homeschooling 2 elementary school kids and a Senior 2021! We have gone from playing Homeschool Volleyball each year to having one of the girls playing on a Club ball team, one playing on a school JV team, and two playing homeschool ball. The schoolgirls also joined the cheer team in their own grades. Lots of new things, some exciting but still misted with the ache of missing Millie every day.
Tonight, I am headed to watch one of our girls cheering at her Jr High Football Game. Here are some of the photos that our daughter Katherine took of Miss M and Miss A this week. I was so excited to get them taken! She does a fabulous job with her pictures…
I also learned today that my sweet Millie will be featured at The Mack Impact Memorial Segment during the Gala. I hope you will take the time to grab some tickets, support kids with cancer, and enjoy the gala. https://www.flipcause.com/secure/cause_pdetails/OTg0MTI=
Finally, I want to share a wonderful gift that arrived in our mailbox this week. One of Millie’s prayer partners hand drew a picture of her. The picture is a pencil drawing with only the blue eyes having any color. It touched our hearts so much! I love that she caught Millie’s smile just perfectly. A HUGE shout out of thanks to Paula Sinclair. Thank you!!
Blessings friends!

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