We prayed for a miracle which God granted in heaven. Daily we walk the path of grief, ever leaning on Jesus for our comfort. Until we meet again Millie, always remember you are forever loved and missed!

Friday, October 9, 2020

An Unknown Stranger

 Today I made a new friend. The Lord drove her into my life in the most unique way. While David and I were at the local fruit stand, a single lady and her son had a flat tire right out front. The tire was destroyed! She had no spare, not the special lug key to get the lug nuts off her car. The local salvage yard came to see if they had the right ones, but they did not. The tire shops were closed. The Ford dealership could not help.

This sweet lady and her son were stuck on the side of the road, in the middle of nowhere, with night coming on, and no answer in sight. The fun-loving little guy is 6… just the age of Little Man! He ran and played while we tried to come up with a way to get her some help. Finally, AAA said they could come and tow her vehicle 80 miles to the closest service center. However, there is a Discount tire shop about 35 miles north of us. Because she had purchased these tires from one of their stores last month, it seemed more prudent (and costly at $4 a mile!) to have it towed there.
Once the car issue was handled, we had the issue of what to do with their family until the shop opens at 8 am tomorrow. Praise God that we have our tiny house almost complete! We were able to bring them home, feed them dinner, let the kids play together and then help them get set up to sleep in the tiny house tonight. This was a big leap of faith for her as she has only been in Oklahoma for 6 weeks. She is from an area of the country that is not near as friendly she shared.
Tomorrow morning, I will drive her and her son to town to get their tire replaced (hopefully for FREE!) After that I plan to spend a Saturday at home with David and the kids. He plans to fix the shower of the tiny house, while I will catch up on some school with Little Man and SJ. This week has thrown a few speedbumps in our path and we are behind. Another plan is to clean out my flowerbed and plant the mums I bought today. I love fall decorations! The children and I went to the stand today and picked out pumpkins and gourds to decorate with too. Little man insisted on the HUGE pumpkin like the one they gave Millie last year. Such sweet friends who are always a blessing to us.
It is neat how the Lord will bring people into our lives at different times.
Hebrews 13:2 “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”
***I will say that I am extremely cautious about who I have around my children. This was a safe situation because David was with me AND we have a completely separate house to allow them to stay in. I am sure it was just as reassuring to her to have a safe place for her and her son to sleep. She had to be trusting to go home with strangers she met standing on the side of the highway.

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