We prayed for a miracle which God granted in heaven. Daily we walk the path of grief, ever leaning on Jesus for our comfort. Until we meet again Millie, always remember you are forever loved and missed!

Thursday, September 17, 2020

It's not Covid-19

 Yesterday, many of you prayed for our middle son Joe at my request. Please keep them coming. Below is the update from my sweet daughter in law. So that she can be with him, we have our precious grandbaby, who is showing signs of coming down with this. Currently, she is running a fever and has the snotty nose. Pray that it is very minor in her and that her mama doesn’t get it at all. She’s about 7 months pregnant.

Our praise is … It’s not COVID!
I have loved each moment of having this little one at Meme’s house. She’s so smart, not even 2 yet and knows all her colors. She’s been standing in front of the family photos naming off each member. That may not seem like a huge feat, but she has 19 aunts and uncles between Maitland and Joe’s siblings. Big families on both sides!
She also is so well behaved. She follows instructions well, doesn’t fight, but has reminded Little Man a few times “that’s mine!” when he encroached on her toys. He needs that, he likes to set the tone of playtime. Her new baby brother is due just about Millie’s 4th birthday. We all look forward to that joyous event though we will Millie could be here to meet him. She would always ask “can I hold Maitland’s baby?” and my answer was “Lord willing when he gets here, you can hold him”. She was such a proud aunt!
My heart has been a little whiney today with “LORD, I just want her here!”. I think he’s fine with me saying that to him. I know he’s sovereign, but it doesn’t keep my heart from longing for her. Death seems to be the only thing in life you can’t change. I can work harder, smarter, etc.… but with death, it just is what it is. There is no changing this. The only thing I can do is go to Millie someday. I know that each day I’m one step closer to seeing her again, although I don’t ever want to leave those that are here behind. The heart is a strange creature, to long for something to be different, yet long for it to stay the same.
Please continue to pray over Joseph and his family. Pray for complete healing. I don’t like having sick kids that I can’t help.
Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, indoor and closeup

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